Swim Team Family Support
Each year swimmers and family are required to support the team with fundraising activities. In addition to dues, these valuable fundraising events make it possible to improve the program and keep it thriving.
Swim Newton is not able to host a swim meet so we focus on other opportunities to reach funding goals. We currently require $200 in annual fundraising from each of our year round swimmers. A family of 3 swimmers is asked to raise $600 total.
To have Dillons and Amazon amounts credited toward your $200 fundraising efforts, submit proof of fundraising totals when available.
Dillons Community Rewards | All Year
Swim-a-Thon | One weeknight, usually in September
This is our largest most successful fundraising event. Swimmers starts collecting pledges and/or donations and then will swim a certain number of laps to earn those pledges and donations. Prizes and drawings are held for swimmers who raise a set amount. The event is a fun team bonding experience complete with door prizes, a potluck dinner, and a movie following the swim. Family is encouraged to attend and count for their swimmers. For more information or to be involved in the planning contact the Board Vice President.